
Sometimes Ringo is lost in idle fancies. Misgiving about the future, distress for existence. Wrong faiths and right ways. And thinking about the world, me or them.

Monday, November 13, 2006

U.S. envoy turns eye on Gaeseong


The U.S. special envoy on human rights in North Korea, has expressed reservations about the Gaesong industrial complex project in North Korea run jointly with the South, He also suggested drawing China and South Korea into the Japan-U.S. dialogue on North Korean abductions and other human rights issues.

North Korea is a cause of our headache. Why do they do nuclear test? Oh god! I don’t know their real intention. Does who know…. I really hope North Korea quit these thoughtless behaviors. We try to help them, but they make trouble always. I don’t know we can unify peacefully.


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