
Sometimes Ringo is lost in idle fancies. Misgiving about the future, distress for existence. Wrong faiths and right ways. And thinking about the world, me or them.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Mid-term Exam

About a Global Leadership

Alexander the Great, he was the conqueror who remains as a legend.

Many historians don’t hesitate to point him out as the greatest leader

all over the world. Why do I deny that? He was the real hero building

up a large empire where includes Greece to western and India to eastern.

His great ideal that he dreamed when he became a king of Macedonia

was an expedition to the East. Actually he led many wars without any

defeat during about 12 years when the period of his reign. If someone

doubts his ability as a leader, just look at his achievements. Moreover,

he was not just a warmonger who was crazy about a desire conquest.

The culture of Hellenism, which was mixed with the culture of Greece

and the Orient, flourished on his period. Through this, we can know

what he wanted was the real union empire where all people could be

together. Then, what can we learn through Alexander’s life? Even if he

was a human so he was not perfect, we are able to see various virtues

on his life. A real leader, he has to have strong but gentle charisma.

A leader in general must lead the public smartly and take charge of safety

and lives of them. He takes authorities to rule the people. He has to

use it for himself and all people at the same time. Leaders who tyrannize

a country are punished by insurgents, weak kings are deprived his

authorities by villainous retainers and make a country confused.

Sensible using of authorities is necessary to a leader. A leader has to

have wise ears and eyes. He should tell who are sincere advisers and

who are crafty adulators.Resolution and a thrust are also important

to a director. If Alexander forgave up the expedition to the eastward

and tolerance about people of mixed race because of opposition of

his retainers, how could he establish his empire? Sometimes a director

has to fight alone. The most important thing of a leader is to throw an

exclusive point of view and have an open mind. A society, which is

composed of various people cannot help having troubles. These

problems usually happen because of prejudices or feelings of superiorities

to others. A competent leader is duty bound to get along them.

In this point, Alexander’s policy that bridges the cultural gaps between

east and west was great. Nowadays, whole world becomes close fast

and we undergo such many changes in short time. So we need to have

more global mind. People don’t fight for conquer anymore. However

it is the real ideal of Alexander that he wanted to do through his empire

that we have to remember. His mind went a step ahead of his

contemporaries so he failed. Even though we live in the world

after 2000 years of him, racial discrimination and ethnocentrism

still overflow on the world. Why do not people consider his great

thoughts that of a pioneer?


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